WESPA has acquired, integrated and developed the technology in the wind turbines production for a famous northern European companies (world leader in the production of medium-sized turbines 200 kW 750 kW adapting it to the specific characteristics of the Italian market).

    The agreement to transfer the technology was signed in September 2011 and supplemented July 16, 2012 allowing the arrangement of the production lines of the turbines sized 200; 225; 500 and 750 kW. These turbines are allocated for the European market and in particular to the Italian, English and some Eastern European countries, where there are advantageous legislations in terms of authorization and incentives for production.However, the large size of turbines thanks to the excellent price-kw installed, can be competitive in the European market through direct selling of the energy, without using incentive forms.

    WESPA has approached its business to the national and international market in a close relationship with SEI (Società Elettrica Italiana) group, using the know-how and experience gained in the recent years to address the demand from investors interested in small and medium power range of mini-wind. The strong point is the investment program MWF “Mini Wind Farm” of S.E.I. in order to provide suitable sites for wind turbines up to 1000 kW already developed high wind potential.

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of the SEI Group (Società Elettrica Italiana)
pursuant to art. 2197 cc.